Kane Blog

running recovery

A Running Recovery Guide: 10 Steps to Follow

Feeling proud of your running accomplishments? That’s great! But are you also feeling burned out and sore in the aftermath? That’s not so great. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Many runners and athl...

Try these 10 Foot Alignment Exercises

Try these 10 Foot Alignment Exercises | Kane Footwear

Many of us use our feet daily without even thinking about it. Which means we may also end up taking them for granted, forgetting entirely about the importance of foot health. So what problems can a...

Can I Walk on a Sprained Ankle?

Can I Walk on a Sprained Ankle? | Kane Footwear

So you think you’ve just sprained your ankle. Ouch! While it’s best not to immediately panic, it’s natural to wonder about a few things. Can I walk on a sprained ankle? How long until the pain subs...



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How Your Footwear Can Impact Feet Recovery

How Your Footwear Can Impact Feet Recovery | Kane Footwear

Whether your feet ache from standing all day, wearing the wrong kind of shoe, or exercising, recovery will be top of your mind. And while staying off your feet for a while is a good idea, most of u...

Our Ethical Approach to Running Shoes

Our Ethical Approach to Running Shoes

We all love our sneaks. Whether you’re running in them, wearing athletic shoes to the gym, or wearing walking shoes, they’re probably the go-to footwear for most of us.

When Should You Replace Walking Shoes?

When Should You Replace Walking Shoes?

The lifespan of walking shoes can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the shoes, the frequency and intensity of use, and the wearer's walking style. On average, a good pair ...

Long Recovery Runs: All You Need to Know

Long Recovery Runs | All You Need to Know

Long run recovery is an essential part of a comprehensive running regimen. The "log run" is the day you push your distance. Whether you're training for a 5k, 10k, a half marathon, or a full maratho...

Are Hiking Shoes Good For Walking?

Are Hiking Shoes Good For Walking? | Kane Footwear

Hiking shoes are a great option for walking in. They are rugged enough to withstand a variety of terrains, from asphalt to the occasional trail. They also offer great traction and are waterproof. T...

What is Good Recovery Run Pace?

What is Good Recovery Run Pace? | Kane Footwear

Recovery runs are a great way to break up a grueling training schedule and taking some days lighter can help your overall performance and help you achieve better times and longer distances than pus...

Are Training Shoes Good For Walking?

Are Training Shoes Good For Walking? | Kane Footwear

In general, you can wear training shoes (or any shoe you like), for any activity you feel comfortable doing it in. However, it’s worth noting that different types of athletic shoes are designed for...

What Are Recovery Shoes?

What Are Recovery Shoes? | Kane Footwear

Recovery shoes, also known as post-workout or post-activity shoes, are footwear specifically designed to support the recovery process after physical exercise or strenuous activities, including stan...